Kisah Budak PTPTN Duit Banyak
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"Trend baru skarang orang isap vape, dulu dia isap Dunhill 20" |
"Setelah saya melihat gelagat pelajar IPTA yang menerima wang PTPTN via Friends of BN - Barisan Nasional, ini satu lagi senario yang sentiasa berlaku. Bahasa pasar digalakkan supaya feel dia lebih sikit...
Si Abu ni dapat tau dari member-member duit PTPTN baru masuk. Amboi melonjak tinggi kalah basketball player.
Trend baru skarang orang isap vape, dulu dia isap Dunhill 20. Dia nak quit smoking tu so dah lama dah mengidam Vape IPV4s. Terus dia ke kedai vape nak beli siap nak beli tank triple coil SMOK. Sebelum tu dia dah singgah ATM tekan RM1000 standby. Katanya nak beli buku dan bayar sewa bilik. Katanya la..."
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Sampai kedai vape, mahal sangat pulak IPV4s dan SMOK tank kena markup sampai langit. So dia cari dekat MALAYSIAN VAPOR OPEN GROUP biasa la budak-budak buang harga banyak. Dapat la deal yang bagus. So dah beli dah habis berasap rumah dia buat. Dia beli pulak flavor yang banyak VG pastu bawak pergi kedai mamak vape macam there is no tomorrow.
Tiba-tiba telefon pun dah start meragam. Phone ni meragam bila baru dapat duit PTPTN je, kalau pertengahan bulan tu, steady je phone kalau pakai Samsung S3 screen retak boleh lagi jalan. So Abu ni pergi la beli iPhone 6 Plus dengan alasan perlukan screen besar nak buat assignment. Alasan paling tak munasabah tapi takpa. Habis 2 ribu lebih dah tu, tiba-tiba short of cash...skarang Debit card accepted so tak payah pergi ATM machine one more time.
Pusing-pusing kat KLCC tu nampak la sale topshop. Biasa la budak-budak ni nak jadi macam model topshop. Seluar sendat baju senteng. Habis RM200 kat TopShop....
Apa barang kan masak kat rumah, dah dapat duit PTPTN makan Nandos la, paling koman pun makan kat FoodCourt KLCC tu.
Lifestlye ini dikekalkan selagi boleh. Buku dia tak beli, dia fotostat buku member. In the name of "saving money" la katanya. Assignment dah start tak buat dah, duit ada dia bayar si mamat mana buatkan. Amboih, memang work smart kau.
Sampai habis ijazah dia buat macam ni. Pastu result takda la hebat mana. Dah start kerja, gaji boleh tahan, PTPTN taknak bayar balik. Salahkan kerajaan pasal bebankan graduan-graduan IPTA.
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How to check PTPTN Online - |
Above story is contributed by Shazeeq. I find that I need to share this story because this actually happens in Malaysia for many students who got their PTPTN loan. PTPTN loan was intended for students in need but sometime people just used it in luxury/depreciate items before they start to earn money. Recently the news announced that they will take action on people who don't pay back the money especially for those who has PTPTN loan overdue for a long time. After you get the Notice of Demand (NOD) , not only you will get blacklisted, you will also be prohibited to go oversea and you can't renew your passport until you pay back.
To check if you are blacklisted and your immigration status before you travel, you better click here.
On a side note, you can get cheaper vape in Malaysia from my awesome friend Shaz. He is just a normal person who earn extra bucks every month for a better living.
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