Astro马力全开庆丰年,一路有你梦飞扬 - 欢迎可爱"马力"!!
Astro马力全开庆丰年,一路有你梦飞扬 |
Astro以"马力全开庆丰年"为主题,"一路有你梦飞扬"为口号,正式启动倒数2014农历新年,除了每年都少不了的贺岁专辑和除夕夜倒数活动之外,全民电影《一路有你》也铁定于明年1月30日除夕晚9时上映,Astro AEC和Astro全佳HD现场直播。睽违三年后约定全民一起笑迎感动。新春倒数活动将在怡保首都进行,节目也会以跨州连线报道的方式,将槟城,马六甲,新山,吉隆坡,东海岸,古晋和亚庇多达7个地区的倒数盛况或表演,一一呈现给电视观众,覆盖地区堪称历年之最。
Astro中文部总监朱志恒 |
本地著名插画师林行瑞,应邀为Astro设计马年吉祥物,并命名为"马力" |
周青元(Chiu导),本地著名插画师林行瑞,Astro中文部总监朱志恒一起揭晓"马力"的面貌 |
Astro艺人开心的一面 |
Denise Camillia =) |
"The Cup Song"融入了Astro2014新年的一首歌,猜猜哪一首?? |
Jeff and MeiYan being interviewed to share their CNY MV recording experience |
Jeff and MeiYan 'revealed' that that is how WaiFan keep the two plastic cups to train for the Cup Song hahaha |
Astro艺人在马力全开庆丰年记者会分享经验 |
Astro艺人在马力全开庆丰年记者会分享经验 赵洁莹为什么那么开心呢? |
《一路有你》男主角李世平分享拍戏经验,尤其是那热气球的一幕 很多人一直询问他电影什么时候上映,“1月30号咯。这次真的!!哈哈” |
Astro特地请了两位白马代表“马力”与VIP一起合照。好样的!! |
当天出席记者会的Astro艺人与“马力”+白马一起合照!! “马力全开庆丰年,一路有你梦飞扬” |
A picture together with Lenna Lim, Denise Camillia |
白马与王子终于相遇了。走!! 我们去找白雪公主。呵呵呵~ Finally White Horse and the Prince meet together! Let's go find Snow White |
Here's me with the cute Astro CNY 2014 horse plush toy - "马力"!! Designed by the talented 林行瑞 artist. Cute or not?! Behind me are two white horse too. So awesome |
好了,我要献上白马可爱的屁股跟你们说拜拜~! Here's a cute white house butt to end the post, bye~~ Haha! Wanna touch?! |
All right guys, I am gonna fly to Sabah for a trip soon. Yay!!
All right guys, I am gonna fly to Sabah for a trip soon. Yay!!
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