IM4U #ReachOut @ Taylor's Lakeside with Chester See, Jason Chen, David Choi and awesome speakers!
IM4U’s Reach Out Youth Volunteer Convention and Celebration was held at Taylor's Lakeside Campus on 2nd March 2013. We were told to arrive as early as 8.00AM not to miss anything. Well, I thought I was late when I arrived at 8 something but the gate/registration counter only open around... almost 9AM I guess? Thanks to "Malaysia time" I guess? Yikes~
Since 1Malaysia For Youth (iM4U) is a common platform initiated by the Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato' Seri najib Tun Abdul Razak for Malaysian youth to carry out volunteer activities that can benefits communities in need and social groups, an opening speech by him is prerequisite right? Hahaha!
I just wonder why 1Malaysia for Youth is called iM4U instead of 1M4U
So confusing to choose "i" or "1" =.="
All right, here's a short photo story that I wanna share with you:
Jin from JinnyBoyTV made his way to introduce the Youtubers Chester See, Jason Chen and David Choi to our PM Najib Razak. Let see how the awesome YouTubers got their photos snap?
First, a group photo together on stage
Then, JinnyBoy introduced them to Najib who look very surprised
Tony, Deborah, Henry and Ben were very curious what they trying to do
Wala! David Choi manage to break the barrier and did a selfie together with Najib. It then follows up by Chester and Jason as well.

Well, the funny thing happened right after David/Chester/Jason uploaded the photo to Instagram. Fans started to comment "Why you fist bump with that fella?". Well, if you don't like somebody doesn't mean they should dislike somebody too. It is just a picture and that was their opportunity to take a photo.
If you think that current government is in the right/wrong hand, justify and cast your vote for the upcoming General Election! I've heard a lot people comment about how bad is the government but they are not registered as a voter at first place... Oh well, get yourself register first before you give comment again.
Tony Fernandes, who is the keynote speaker of this event, love the quote of "No Dream Is Too Big". If you got a dream that you feel very hard to achieve, start it from little step as you will get closer to your target and eventually you will reach there.
As what I've learned recently, when there are decision to be made, no matter how the result going to turn out, you should try it and at least make a decision. Not just saying "aihh nevermind lah wait till tomorrow only decide" and never do it again. Of course, you are not suppose to apply this on gambling la kay?!
As usual, Tony Fernandes thrown a surprise to the crowd and he is the brave and lucky one to act fast. Congratz to this guy who won a trip to watch an oversea football game together with Tony himself.
The funky Jason Lo always dare to do something different. Jason dressed as Superman together with other TuneTalk Crews and did Harlem Shake right up on stage (flashmob). I am not sure if Tony know about it but he just giveaway his AirAsia cap and wear that red wig. Hopefully the photo above is just showing Tony that he was combing his hair using hand instead of feeling "Alamak!WTF did I jsut did!"
Scott Hammel is definitely entertaining in a way while giving his speech, did magic tricks or even unlock himself in a straight jacket. Check out my video below for more footage. It is hard to describe with just picture.
The last speakers that I manage to listen to was Dato' Ruby Khong together with her two daughters sharing about Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK). It might be boring for some people but for me she kinda amazed me especially the good deeds that she did and continue contribute through KSK
Congrats to Dato' Ruby Khong for winning ntv7 Bella Heart Awards and the Bella Award (Highest Award) itself.
I wish I was able to listen to all speakers' sharing especially the YouTubers (Jason Chen, Chester See, David Choi) but seems like need to wait till another chance loo. Hopefully can meet the awesome YouTubers and talented musician at YTF/ISA Malaysia very soon!
All right, hope you guys enjoy the video below! Check out how David Choi did a selfie with Najib!
Congrats to Dato' Ruby Khong for winning ntv7 Bella Heart Awards and the Bella Award (Highest Award) itself.
I wish I was able to listen to all speakers' sharing especially the YouTubers (Jason Chen, Chester See, David Choi) but seems like need to wait till another chance loo. Hopefully can meet the awesome YouTubers and talented musician at YTF/ISA Malaysia very soon!
All right, hope you guys enjoy the video below! Check out how David Choi did a selfie with Najib!
Chester See + Jason Chen + David Choi @ IM4U #ReachOut Taylor's Lakeside
Till then, more photos/videos next time.
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