Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @  Genting Highlands
Every time I went uphill to Genting Highlands, this Bakery shop with the name "Bakery" will always grab my attention with its breads. They just look so nice through the window. Yes, I was just back from Genting not long ago for a cool getaway with few other bloggers.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Out of surprise we were escorted to Genting with an Alphard. Thank you Genting!
Warning: VIP treatment received =p

It feel so awesome when someone drive you up to the hill while we mingles and chatting in the car. Magazines for you to read and mineral water whenever you need. It was a fast and smooth ride indeed =)

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Other awesome bloggers who departed together =D
Ming, HuaiBin and EiLing
Please don't compare my head with EiLing's, I know I know I can has big baby head that makes everyone's face look smaller lol. Oh between Shah, the nuffie was sitting in front joining us along this trip too!

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Before we check in the Maxims Hotel, we went for fine dining at Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine Restaurant @ 泰華宫 just behind Genting Rewards Gallery.This is the entrance of Imperial Rama a.k.a. Irama. It resembles the lobby to a museum or lavish mansion.

Imperial Rama is one of the most awarded restaurants in the Kuala Lumpur International Gourmet Festival in Malaysia. To state out a few, Irama won the award of Most Outstanding Appetizer, Most Outstanding Soup and Most Outstanding Entree of the Festival diners' choice which was held on 21 Oct 2011 at Olive Rest.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Here's a view of the interior of Imperial Rama. The spacious dining area is interspersed with intricately carved Chinese and Thai partitions, auspicious statues and wall paintings to further create a mood of refinement and luxury.The whole restaurant can fit 188 guests at one time.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
There are a few exclusive private rooms (Imperial, Royal,Regal) where you can dine in. Saw the huge fridge on the wall? That's the place Irama keep their Red Wine and fine drinks and you are free to choose your favourite drinks.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
MOET & CHANDON "Imperial" Champagne is just one out of many varieties~

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
We were lead to the 王者风范 @ Regal Dining room

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Here's how the Regal Dining room looks like. You can have your own private TV experience while waiting for your dish to come. A scenery view of Genting Highlands when you draw back the curtain.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
There are two pairs of chopstick for different uses. The red one is the "Public chopstick" to get dishes from the main plate while the black one is for personal dining usage. With this you will able to enjoy your dishes without worrying about others people saliva haha

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Menu of imperial Rama @ 泰華宫

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
1982 Chateau Petrus @ RM36,888
I would open one IF I won a jackpot from the casino haha

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
The moment when the first dishes arrive, it's our "job" to start snapping photos ;p

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
煎菇沙律 @ 'Shaggy' Mushroom with Truffle oil Salad
It is a good mix between Mushroom and Truffle Oil as I really like this as my appetizer =)
I think I had the most mushroom among others

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
橙花百合帝皇庙 @ Lily Bulbs with Emperor Sprout Orange Salad
The Lily Bulbs looks like onions at first glance and the purple flowers just make this dish look nicer than other. I am not a big fans of Emperor Sprout but seems like it is good for eyes and skin. You will be surprised with this mix of flavor with orange and Emperor Sprout.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
泰式脆皮薄饼 @ Thai Fish Crackers
The crispy fish cracker that you can dip with the sauce with cucumber, onions and tomatoes for mixtures of flavours. It definitely taste better when you use your hand to eat. You know what I mean =)

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
鸳鸯生虾 @ Twins Flavor King Prawns
I like seafood and this is a very sinful one for me. Imagine you can have a big fresh prawn in two different flavors (Salted Egg Yolk & Cheese). It looks like drumstick for me and the first thing I wanna try is the salted egg yolk flavor. The fried prawn meat was covered with crispy salted egg yolk and I didn't waste any part of it.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
How huge is the prawn? Ei Ling has show it =)

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
This is the Twins Flavor King Prawns that Ming is having. Looks nicer than mine!
*I jelly haha*

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
The cheese flavored prawn head taste even better when you found what's inside =)

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
A shoot of Ming enjoying her prawns while waiting for next dishes to come out

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
泡参鸡汁炖汤 @ Stewed Chicken Essence Soup
My first time to try out this chicken soup. This soup is made of a mixture of blended chicken (excluding head and neck part) and was steamed individually. The meat then shrink and reveals the soup with high content of nutrients. I definitely need to drink this more.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
咖哩燜鲍鱼 @ Australian Abalone braised in Curry Sauce
Another first time given to Imperial Rama to try out curry flavored Australian Abalone. How did the chef thought of this combination? A side dish of Indian style vegetables was given to fit the curry. Ei Ling even said the curry sauce would be a good combination with bread.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Hereby revealed the Abalone with thick layer of special curry sauce

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
酥姜蒸笋壳鱼 @ Steamed Marble Goby Fish with Crispy Ginger and Garlic
One of the specialties dishes in Imperial Rama. A simple combination of fresh Marble Goby Fish with Ginger and Garlic. Do you like this dish as I do in every Chinese wedding dinner? The fish is always my top choice!

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
黑加仑果酱排骨 @ Pork Ribs topped with Black Current Sauce
To further fill your stomach, it is great to have rice served in crab shell with the black current flavored pork rib.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
I need more than one piece to satisfy my taste buds :p

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
榴莲天妇罗伴香茅果冻 @ Durian Tempura with Lemongrass Jelly
Every dinner should have at least a dessert. If you are a durian lover you must try out this signature dish in Imperial Rama.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
A glass of Lemongrass Jelly with Pomelo pulps that can be consumed by just sucking it through your straw.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Outside crunchy skin, inside creamy hot durian paste. Imagine you eat it in a cold weather.

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
It's time to reveal the man behind these great dishes. Chef Eric Lee, who has designed all the dished that we had. We were given chance to ask Chef Eric on how he prepare those dishes and how they thought of these ideas. Eric said that it is good to hang out with other chef including the young one as sometimes their crazy ideas just work. He does has the talent and great sense of taste buds to know what are the ingredients incorporated inside the dish. Obviously I don't have that talent but I hope you guys like my photos and manage to tempt you haha

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
A group photo of us bloggers with Genting personnel and awesome chef @ Imperial Rama

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Picture with Chef Eric Lee before we left to the Strawberry farm!

Find out what you must eat @ Imperial Rama through this video =)
Pretty girl + Delicious Food = Perfect Combination~

Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine @ Genting Highlands
Imperial Rama Thai-Chinese Cuisine Restaurant
Level 2, Genting Highlands (behind Genting Rewards Gallery)

Opening Hours:
Lunch 12.00 noon - 2.30 pm
Dinner 6.00 pm - 9.30 pm

Contact & Reservations:
General Line: +603 6101 1118
Direct Line: +603 6105 9663

For more information, do visit the dedicated website at Stay tune for blogpost about my journey to the Strawberry Farm and Maxims Hotel exclusive sneak peek!

Read more:
Genting Strawberry Leisure Farm: Fun Place for Strawberry Lovers!
Maxims Genting Exclusive Premier Room, Signature Suite & Royal Suite [Review]
Fine Dining @ The Olive Restaurant & Bar Lounge | Genting Highlands

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