#MYGENERASI Reaching 1 Milion YouTube View!

First of all congratz "MY GENERASI" for reaching 1 million views soon in just 5 days! (published on 25th march) This is a simple short JinnyboyTV produced to remind us what it was like back in the old days during our primary school days. Share this with your school mates, ex-school mates, ex-college mates, colleagues to remind them how simple life was back then. What was your generation like? tweet @jinnyboyTV and tell them with the #mygenerasi hashtag.
Watch this if you haven't! =)
Well, this video reminds me some of my primary school memories. Especially the eraser game that I used to play and collected tons of it. Do you have a large eraser just like mine? Nyahaha. Between I've play this game below too:
I don't know the exact name but I just know how to play it. With different colour (Eg. Red/Blue)

The soon become trademark keyword - REALRY?
As for the "competition" between classmates of who has better belongings. I don't remember this but I remember I used to own a very nice mechanical pencil from Faber-Castell (which was given by my dad)
80's/90's Facebook where we exchange book (with people that we like) to write our details & personal favourite. I still remember some of my friends who has put in so much efforts in creating a nice profile on my "Books of Memory".

Every school/batch of students has a 校花 a.k.a. School Beauty. Who's your "flower" during your school time?
Usually every class has the tallest, shortest thinnest & fattest guy/girl in it. Well I was one of the mini size student when I was in primary school. Screw my gene that let me grow up late and was forced to sit at the front row as always. [But then now I appreciate as I grow old slow too nyahaha]
If you want to know more about this shortfilm do visit here http://www.jinnyboytv.com/?p=71 for behind the scene and director note. Always good to know how people make awesome short film! I believe JinnyBoyTV will be one of the fastest growing YouTube channel and stay at top rank if they continue produce quality contents =D
Malaysia YouTubers. YOU ROCK! =D
PS: As I remember, no one has "forest" on their legs during primary school
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