Here's the actual event post for the unveils of 16 finalists for
The Perfect Gentleman @ 魅力型男 at Parkroyal Hotel, KL. You can read
this post for quick knowledge of all 16 contenders. Half of them come from Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, this indicate that people in the city is more charming? Many of them are still students too. Heard that there was an engineer who resigned just for this competition because he wanted to try something new and make a change to his life. Sounds adventurous & daring enough?

Here's a group photo of the gentleman, organizer and sponsors.
Lai Cheah Yee, Manager, Brand Management Group of ntv7 said, “ntv7 has taken a bold initiative to hold the first male pageant TV show in Malaysia, which provides an opportunity for local men to showcase their talents and charm. The auditions
successfully attracted 467 Malaysian men who dared to confidently express themselves and bring out the best in themselves.”

The unveils of the contenders through some performance and everyone need to be a poser. Personally thinks that the lighting in the hall is insufficient to let the media see them clearly. Especially during the cat walk.

Only one spotlight to lit them on stage

Featured portrait shoot - Fung

Chris - Suits from Lord's Tailor

Vicca, Joel and Chris

Catwalk finished, all the finalists revealed
Chris, Anson, Jake, Shyang Wen, Gir Shen, Dennis, Wilson

Kong Jie, William, Fung, Ryan, Joel, Vicca, Ivan, John

Malaysia’s beloved TV host,
Hoong JiaHui, who hosting this prestigious reality show was looking for the eldest participant who was selected as one of the perfect gentleman finalist.

Chris & Anson with Lord's Tailor suit
Some of the suit look quite nice actually

JiaHui and oneFM Nicholas on the stage
Both of them quite daring when talking. Funny too lol
JiaHui was selected as the host because she is 'hamsap'?

Nicholas sure have many new shoes or took care of them very well

Jake was given a scenario to act.
"A bisexual guy who wanna propose to his girlfriend and need to tell the truth."

Can't you see how happy Nicholas was with that idea/scenario that he created?

Jake & JiaHui

As for John and Gir Shen, they were asked what are the things that they think they are good or even better than the other? So that the judge will select him.

William, need to act how to break up with his girlfriend

Here are all 16 finalist except Ming Yang, the chef

Jake, William and Joel. Will they able to contend till the final?

The Perfect Gentleman
will air starting 17th July, every Sunday at 6 p.m., only on ntv7, the Home of Feel Good.
Only six will make it to the finale, which will air LIVE on Sunday, 9th October where the viewers will witness Malaysia’s first ever ‘Perfect Gentleman’. To get things heated up, audience will also be treated with
behind-the-scenes highlights of the Top 16, which will air every Monday to Friday at 9:59 p.m., for two minutes, beginning 11th July.
For more information about the show, log on to
The Perfect Gentleman official website at, or
official Facebook page (
ntv7.perfectgentleman). Exclusive information including the Top 16 profiles, photo gallery and behind-the-scenes can be found on these platforms. Fans who missed out any episodes on TV can also log on to to watch the show.
Who do you support as the perfect gentleman @ 魅力型男?
All the best to all 16 finalists, I believe this is a memorable journey for you guys.
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)