[Giveaway] NTV 7 十分红演唱会2010 Star Live Concert 2010 Tickets
《十分红演唱会2010》歌手阵容包括有新加坡创作才子JJ林俊杰及歌影视三栖红星何润东。前者无论舞曲、R&B或抒情歌曲都深入民心,在乐坛上也获奖无数,备受肯定;后者在戏剧上成就不凡,却从未放弃歌唱事业,坚持好音乐。另外,海豚音唱将丁当、电臀天后温岚两位能歌善舞的美女也将为演唱会增添看头;丁当的十七度音域、温岚动感热辣的舞姿绝对High翻全场。亚洲备受瞩目的新晋偶像组合AK由沉建宏及陈奕组成,七、八年级的帅气美男子也即将登陆《十分红演唱会2010》,届时也将掀起一股热潮。由MC JIN及陈奂仁组成的香港人气"新"组合也会登陆《十分红》舞台,他们一个是成功挤进美国Billboard 200强唯一华人嘻哈饶舌歌手;另一个为多个国际巨星唱片制作人,两人凑合的演出绝对能将演唱会气氛带到最高潮。
除了海外巨星,本地歌手也将加入演出阵容。本地男孩团体东于哲近期跨出大马,舞蹈及音乐风格越来越多元,他们也将在演唱会上让观众验收海外闯荡归国的成果。唱作具佳的黄威 尔、陈威全及伍家辉的歌曲备受赞赏与肯定,逐渐成熟的马来西亚创作扬威海外,这次《十 分红演唱会2010》中,三人将首首经典名曲重现,绝对精彩可期。
Are you eager to see your favourite artist perform live? JJ Lin? Wen lan? =D
How to enter TianChad.com NTV 7 Star Live Concert 2010 Tickets Giveaway?
1. "Like" TianChad.com FB Page and follow @TianChad on Twitter.
1. "Like" TianChad.com FB Page and follow @TianChad on Twitter.
2. Tweet this message below:
"I want to win @NTV7 Star Life 2010 Concert Tickets from @TianChad cos I wanna see _____(Artist Name) perform live! http://bit.ly/NTV7StarLive"
3. Press the Like button at the end of this post.
Term & Conditons:
You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!
"I want to win @NTV7 Star Life 2010 Concert Tickets from @TianChad cos I wanna see _____(Artist Name) perform live! http://bit.ly/NTV7StarLive"
3. Press the Like button at the end of this post.
Term & Conditons:
- Winner choose based on first come first serve basis
- Winner will be notify through Twitter
- The contestant must be able to reach Bukit Jalil early to redeem the pass from me =)
- The Contestant must finish the 3 steps mentioned above for this contest.
- Winner will win a pair of tickets for the concert Feel Good Zone B.
- Decision made by judges is final and abiding.
- Terms and conditions are subjected to changes without prior notice.
You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!
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Look at the brightside!! You are going to speak out! Thanks for dropping by :)