[Save Our Seahorse] - I Found Golden Seahorse!!
I have been walk into the Mangrove area, and then stand on the sea that is just beside Singapore. So after a tiring night we are all wake up again for the biggest mission of our trip~!!
The Singapore bridge, where I was suppose to pass through this weekend...
It is just a while for us to reach the Seagrass bed. Before we dock our boat Choo already saw something in the sea!!
Yes, it is the first Seahorse that was found. Lucky him ar?
Based on my experience, it is really hard to find them.
They are really good mimic
That day there are 2 video recording guy with us.
Recording for the upcoming programme for SOS.
His facial expression told me he is surprised & curious.
We are now stepping on the Seagrass bed and start looking for the sea horse.
50 years ago, there won't be smoke emitting out at the background.
Tips: Look for seahorse near the end of the seagrass. They always tied at the bass of seagrass
I didn't found seahorse, but I found Sea urchin~!
Luckily I was wearing boots that can prevent their spiky needle.
Between, this is Sea Urchin's Butt
After hours, we all going back to the boat.
Choo will need to tag them with the non-hazardous dye.
This time it is blue in colour.
We tag them so that we can identified if we found them again in next visit.
No worries, the dye wont cause any bad effects except they look unique.
I won't forget to camwhore with the seahorse that I found~!! ^@^
*Super happy when I found it~!*
Here is a video of us releasing the seahorse
We back abroad on the boat and the "Boat captain" playing with Jellyfish~!
Their tentacles do sting, but I think he just won't scare ;p

I have seen the red sea cucumber, jellyfish, sea urchin and sea horse.
Did I manage to find all of them??
Yes, we are happy with the "Searching for sea horse trip"~!
Off we back to the SOS center and cleaning ourself before having lunch. Found out that the dye is fluorescent with the exposure of UV light =)
Li Ern being zap by the UV Torch XD
"Save Our Seahorse [SOS]"
It is just a while for us to reach the Seagrass bed. Before we dock our boat Choo already saw something in the sea!!
Based on my experience, it is really hard to find them.
They are really good mimic
Recording for the upcoming programme for SOS.
His facial expression told me he is surprised & curious.
According to Choo, seahorse like to use their tail tie near the root the seagrass. That's how they protect themselves from being flush by the stream.
Now the industry somehow causing bad effects to the Seagrass and the seahorse if they didn't treating well the effluent. Saw the oily water on the picture below? Yes it is one of the possible cause for decreasing amount of seahorse.
We have spent hours on the sea looking for sea horse, but can't barely see any... And the sun is climbing up higher and higher. You won't able to notice them especially when the water turn murky and there are wave coming in. So in order to find them, we need to move slowly and use our little smart eye to spot them.
Tips: Look for seahorse near the end of the seagrass. They always tied at the bass of seagrass
Luckily I was wearing boots that can prevent their spiky needle.
Between, this is Sea Urchin's Butt
After hours, we all going back to the boat.
What do we do after found the seahorse?
This time it is blue in colour.
We tag them so that we can identified if we found them again in next visit.
No worries, the dye wont cause any bad effects except they look unique.
*Super happy when I found it~!*
Here is a video of us releasing the seahorse
Their tentacles do sting, but I think he just won't scare ;p
I have seen the red sea cucumber, jellyfish, sea urchin and sea horse.
Did I manage to find all of them??
Off we back to the SOS center and cleaning ourself before having lunch. Found out that the dye is fluorescent with the exposure of UV light =)
Last but not least, have a look at this video.We are releasing the seahorse back to the sea after tagging and measure his body length. Name of this video - "Like Kayu leh"
My video was supposed to record till it start swimming again, but my video was shorter than it should be. Hey no worries, she is still alive =D
After the exiting trip looking for seahorse, we are now going to look for Dugong~! If you are interested to find and hold a living seahorse by yourself, surf this web - SOS Malaysia
After the exiting trip looking for seahorse, we are now going to look for Dugong~! If you are interested to find and hold a living seahorse by yourself, surf this web - SOS Malaysia
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