Marion Caunter Gorgeous Pregnant Photo | Hari Raya+Merdeka!
Have you know that Marion Caunter is married with SM Nasarudin? Check out Marion Caunter & SM Nasarudin wedding photos & Marion+Nasarudin wedding dinner photos here. How bout the good new that Marion is now having her 5 months baby and gonna give birth in December? Congratz to Marion Rose Caunter Abdullah! =D
The exclusive interview of Marion Caunter with her first pregnancy story has been broadcasted through the special episode of E! News on Sunday (28 August), 9.40PM at E! Entertainment (Astro Channel 712).
I guess every mom will worried about the body shape both before and after giving birth. Before giving birth, that is to make sure the baby is healthy and to have enough nutrition by having the right diet; After give birth is still worrying about the baby but also to take care of her own body on how to get back the slim fit body shape that mom used to have it. I believe Marion will be as gorgeous as she is now even after giving birth!
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