6 Blogs that I Read and Featured Here for Blog Day 2011
Courtesy of Nuffnang sharing about Blog Day and to celebrate the 6th Blog Day on 31st August 2011 (which is the same day of Hari Merdeka and Hari Raya Aidilfitri), I am featuring 6 bloggers whom I read their blogs whenever they have new update =)
All the bloggers that I am featuring today have their own unique personalities which able to create a piece of art and most important is sharing something nice with their readers. That's what I felt =) Actually I read a lot of blogs which you can explore at the blogroll below, please feel free to explore.
All the bloggers that I am featuring today have their own unique personalities which able to create a piece of art and most important is sharing something nice with their readers. That's what I felt =) Actually I read a lot of blogs which you can explore at the blogroll below, please feel free to explore.
Featuring the lady first!
Bing. A Singaporean temporarily based in South Africa. Her blog caught my attention with her lifestyle sharing and also the nice photos that she shared with us. Here's her Project 365. Her blog has her unique personalities and characters. Congratz on her recent winning as the Best Lifestyle Blog in Singapore Blog Award 2011.
I somehow stumble upon to her blog through friend's blogroll. The main reason I like her blog is the photos that she able to "create" =) Like the way she preserve the precious moment. Looking for portrait & wedding photographer? Find Anna Rina!
Devi, a friend that I've met since KFC Flava Roast Contest. Why do I read her blog? She is an awesome + talented lady that has a dream of traveling around the world and really have skill in winning the contest (she definitely deserve the winning!). If you want to know more about contest and tips on how she win, follow Devi's Contest Craze.
Gnostec @ Gary Ng, a friend that I met at another friend's Birthday Party. That's how the real-life social network benefits us. Later then found out his nice photos sharing on the Gnostec Space. An upcoming architect and also a freelance photographer =)
Another blog that I stumble upon through friend's blog. The topic that he share on his blog are all showed on the photo that he took. So you will be amazed by the photos on his blog and the picture itself which can tell the story with just a title =)
Pat, a dad and also an awesome blogger sharing on how to make money online and focus on passive income, which is one of the subject I am focusing on now. Found his blog through google and following his blog since then. You can read more on how he makes money online and sharing all the income source online!
Just noticed all six bloggers that I featured here most have amazing photos to spot on. Have you have your 6 blogs share as part of Blog Day 2011 celebration? Leave a comment below with your Blog Day blogpost so I can stumble to other interesting blog! Including your blog of course =)
Just noticed all six bloggers that I featured here most have amazing photos to spot on. Have you have your 6 blogs share as part of Blog Day 2011 celebration? Leave a comment below with your Blog Day blogpost so I can stumble to other interesting blog! Including your blog of course =)
For more information, visit Nuffnang Blog Day post.
There's more! here's a little giveaway! RM10 KFC Voucher to be given out!
*Please wait for a box to appear on how to join this Giveaway!*
Contest end on 17th Sept 2011 11.59 PM
Congratz to Arthur Pui for winning the RM10 KFC Voucher for this time round! It was a lucky draw and I guess her numerous entries and referrals earn her this =) Thanks everyone for joining this Giveaway as more awesome prizes will be given out in upcoming Giveaway!! How does RM50 Topshop voucher sounds like?
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